O guia definitivo para Marina Park Hotel ceara

We are an independent travel network for over 100,000 hotels worldwide. We are not owned or sponsored by any particular hotel, and the trademarks of all hotels in our network are owned by the respective hotels or licensors.

We only use hotel trademarks or information to the extent necessary to assist our customers to book rooms in the travel destination of their choice. Guest ReservationsTM Connects Travelers to Relevant Deals: We are focused on connecting travelers to the most relevant deals.

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The rooms were very spacious, the air conditioning was extremely good, although the decor was a little dated. Room service food wasn't great but when is it ever? A great location, right across the road from what felt like one of the safer areas on the beachfront.

All such property, brand, and company names are the registered trademarks or intellectual property of their respective owners. Click here for more information.

Tiny rooms with pelo windows and terribly maintained. The worst breakfast I have ever had the displeasure of coming across. Not only is the food bad, but the space is ridiculous, 6 tables in a 4 floors hotel hotel with 7 rooms each. Service is as bad as the rooms, I left a message asking them not to clean my room (there's pelo do not disturb sign) and when I got back, the room had been cleaned. When I asked they said they had to go in because of a leakage in the room next door. No one was able to explain why they had to make the bed in the process of cleaning the floor. The manager, of course, was not at the hotel and even after being asked to contact me, did not. I'm never coming back andif you're in the process of searching, keep looking.

Antes do comprar este ingresso antecipado de modo a as festas pagas no Rfoiveillon pesquise se este evento possui alvará do licenciamento de modo a a realizaçãeste e adquira este ingresso somente nos canais de venda oficiais.

We are an independent travel network for over 100,000 hotels worldwide. We are not owned or sponsored by any particular hotel, and the trademarks of all hotels in our network are owned by the respective hotels or licensors.

We compile the best rates from several top suppliers adoro to make it easy to book the perfect room. Combine these deals with our all-devices booking engine, strict privacy focus, and world-class support and you have the Guest ReservationsTM difference. Learn more about us.

Breakfast is served every morning in the restaurant. The accommodation is set within a short walking distance of the restaurant Nordestina Xique Xique.

Modern bedroom on a modern hotel everything is beautiful, from the entrance to the bathroom. we really enjoyed everything, including an amazing staff working at the hotel :)

Passa por uma viagem Nossos clientes se hospedam na propriedade e conferem a tranquilidade do quarto, a superioridade da comida, a simpatia da equipe e muito Ainda mais.

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Passa por uma viagem Nossos clientes se hospedam na propriedade e conferem a tranquilidade do quarto, a superioridade da comida, a simpatia da equipe e amplamente Muito mais.

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